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Beech Blog - Reception

Friday 12th July 2024

CED Olympics Day- PE, Geography and French

What an amazing day Beech class have had. The children have learnt so much about France and the Olympics.

During the morning, the whole of EYFS took part in a range of sporting activities, obstacle courses, beanbag throwing, relay races and egg and spoon races. Take a look at some photos of Beech in action!











During the afternoon, the children were given the challenge of building the Eiffel Tower out of Lego, straws or spaghetti and marshmallows. Wow!

Photos coming soon


The children also made handprint Olympic torch posters to display, at home, when the Olympics begin on 26th July 2024.

Photos coming soon


March 2024 - What a busy start!

World Book Day

What an exciting day, which was full of book-related activities. You all made a super effort dressing up. Our chosen book was Jack and the Beanstalk. Do have a look at the display in our window. 


We paired up with Larch class to share our love for books.

Measuring and comparing the Giant's footprints to Jack's.


We ended the week with our mystery reader. A big thank you to Connor's Nan. Photo to follow.


Dinosaur Workshop

And we thought dinosaurs were extinct! We became Paleontologist for the morning and met a couple of very shy but friendly dinosaurs. However, we kept our distance from the Tyrannosaurus Rex!


>Thursday 14th February 2024



Friday 31st January 2024

TW Letter formation patter

Here is a copy of the letter formation patter we use in class, everyday. All parents were given a copy at the last parents evening, in October 2023. Please let us know, if you would like another one.

Friday 26th January 2024

Volcano eruption!

Today, Beech class took part in an experiment. The children wanted to learn about volcanoes, as they were were present when dinosaurs roamed the Earth. We wanted to create an erupting volcano, so we used the some bicarbonate of soda and vinegar to create a chemical reaction. I (Mrs Vassiliou), explained to Beech class that something exciting happens when these two ingredients are mixed together. Take a look at what happens in the video below!



Mystery reader

Today, Connor's mum came and shared the wonderful story 'The Gruffalo' by Julia Donaldson. One of our favourite! Thank you Mrs Gardner for reading to us.

Friday 19th January 2024


Today, the children made their own dinosaur fossils using saltdough. Wow! Take a closer look at our fossils.


Here is the video for the Phase 3 sounds and actions, which we will be teaching this term. Scroll further down the page for the Phase 2 sounds and actions video.




Friday 12th January 2024

Today, the children have been looking at finding 1 more of a given number. We used dinosaurs to solve the following questions

What is 1 more than 0?  How do you know?

What is 1 more than 4? How do you know?

Beech class were all maths superstars!

Friday 5th January 2024

Happy New Year!

We hope you all had a lovely Christmas. Thank you so much for all our lovely gifts.

We may have only been back for 2 days, but the children have settled in well and are continuing to amaze us in there play, sharing skills and work. Well done Beech!


Friday 15th December 2023

Christmas Fair

Beech class has a wonderful time at the Christmas fair this morning. Here are some photos of the children exploring the and playing on different stalls and visiting Santa! 

Wednesday 1st November 2023

Hammer and nails

Beech class had a wonderful time practising their gross and fine motor skills, by hammering tacks/nails into pumpkins. Mrs Vassiliou modelled how to use the hammers and how to carefully and safely hammer the nails into the pumpkins. There are some future carpenters in Beech!

Pencil grip

Right handed

1. Pick/Nip               2. Flip                  3.Grip 

Left handed

1. Pick/Nip               2. Flip                   3.Grip


Here is the video for the Phase 2 sounds and actions which we are teaching the children this term.




What a great start we have had to Beech Class. It's been a very busy term so far. Below are a few photographs from the last 6 weeks.

I just wanted to so a big thank you to our two mystery readers. What a lovely surprise for the children and a super way to help foster a love of reading.



Maths in Reception class

An Olympic gold medalist visitor



Letter and Number Formation


Here is a useful website to help with the correct letter and number formation. It is free and easy to use.


Please concentrate on the letters 'c, a, d, g, o' to start with. Thank you



You can choose the following:

* Size of the letter- small, medium, large

* Writing speed- slow, medium, fast

* Letter position, which should always be top

* Whether you want a midline

You can also choose how you view the number or letter- Follow (Press space or on the ball to start), Press and Follow (Press on the ball and follow with your cursor/finger) or Free Draw


Enjoy practising!















What a super end to an amazing year. We have had had so much fun! We will miss you all very much, but we know that you are ready to begin Year 1.

Do pop back and say hello in September. Wishing you all a very wonderful and safe summer break.


Sports Day

Wednesday 28th June 2023

What a wonderful Sports Day we had on Wednesday. The EYFS team are so proud of all the children for taking part and trying their best. Thank you to all our parents for taking the time to come and watch. Well done EYFS! Well done Beech class!





My Body

Friday 9th June 2023

In PSED today, we have been naming and identifying body parts. We also talked about the functions of the following parts of the body- nose, ears, mouth and eyes. Super labelling Beech!

"We breathe and talk through our mouths." "We smell with our nose." 

What can someone use/wear, if they have sight problems? "They can wear glasses."



Stay and Play

Monday 22nd- Thursday 25th May 2023

This week we have been inviting parents/carers into to see their child's work and see how much they have learnt and progressed since September 2022. It has been lovely to see lots of Mums, Dads and Grandparents. Thank you for joining us.

Easter Stay and Play

Monday 20th - Friday 24th March 2023

This week, each day, we were joined by some of the parents of the children in Beech class. This lovely visit is for the children to show their parents what we get up to in Reception. This time we were creating an Easter chick. Wow! Amazing work Beech class (and parents). We hope you enjoyed your stay.


Letter and Number Formation

Monday 20th March 2023

Mrs Vassiliou has found a great website to help the children (and parents) on how to form their numbers and letters correctly. It is free and easy to use.



You can choose the following:

* Size of the letter- small, medium, large

* Writing speed- slow, medium, fast

* Letter position, which should always be top

* Whether you want a midline

You can also choose how you view the number or letter- Follow (Press space or on the ball to start), Press and Follow (Press on the ball and follow with your cursor/finger) or Free Draw


Enjoy practising!


Mystery Reader

Friday 17th March 2023

Emily was our mystery reader today. She very very kindly volunteered to read "Boa's Bad Birthday" byJeanna Willis and Tony Ross, to Beech class. We loved the story and we enjoy having parent visitors in class.


A Castle has arrived!

Friday 10th March 2023

Look what has appeared in Beech class... A castle! All our Reception children have been exploring this exciting addition to Beech class.


Decorating Dinosaurs

Friday 27th January 2023

In Beech class, we had a crowd of children desperately waiting their turn to decorate a foam dinosaur. Each colour group waited in anticipation. Wow! It was worth the wait. Look at our amazing dinosaurs. Super work Beech. Can you spot your one?



Computing: Design a talking dinosaur

Friday 13th January 2023

Today, Beech class have been designing their own talking dinosaurs on the computer. They have been perfecting their mouse control and key board skills. They had to decide what colour, size, type and noise their dinosaur would make. Well done Beech class!




New Years Resolutions

Friday 6th January 2023

Today, Beech class have been writing their new years resolutions. We talked about what we would like to get better at this year. The children came up with many targets, such as sharing, making my bed, swimming without armbands, being able to do the splits and many more. We have made some wonderful targets and I am sure these will be achieved with lots of perseverance.







Thank you

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

The EYFS team would like to say a huge thank you for all the lovely cards and gifts we have received from our children and parents, this term. We wish you all a lovely restful Christmas. See you in the new year!


Balloon investigation and Mystery reader

Friday 16th December 2022

Beech class, took part in a science experiment today. We wanted to see, if our paper snowmen would stick to a balloon, which had been rubbed on our heads and jumpers. We loved creating static electricity and watching our snowmen stick. We worked out that the paper needed to be thin and light, in order to stick to the balloon. If the paper was too heavy, then it fell off the balloon. Fantastic exploring and hypothesising Beech class!

A huge thank you to Joseph who also came and read us "Little Lost Deer" for our mystery reader session.


Potion making and Mystery Reader

Friday 2nd December 2022

Today, Beech class have been making their own potions. The children were inspired to make potions, by the witch, from the story 'The Jolly Postman' By Janey and Allan Ahlberg. They had a choice of blood, witches nails, orange bogeys, baby slugs, dragon scales, frog slime and many more interesting ingredients. Wow! Look at those amazing potions! Well done Beech class.

A huge thank you to Mr Smith for coming in and reading us the story 'The Cat in the Hat' By Dr Suess. We are big fans of Dr Suess. Thank you for giving up your time. It is very much appreciated.




Cups of Kindness

Friday 18th November 2022

As part of Anti-Bullying Week, we took part in various, interactive activities to promote kindness. Today we drew pictures, on cups of kindness, which promoted happiness.

We also had a Mystery Reader, today, as well. Thank you so much to Ruby's Mum for sharing a story with Beech class.




Poppies for remembrance

Thursday 10th November 2022

The children have been creating different types of poppies, all week, as part of Remembrance Sunday. Each child has taken their time to create their poppies. Well done Beech class!



Zones of Regulation

Friday 4th November 2022

The children were asked to sort the emotion cards into the correct Zones of Regulation

Red (angry), Green (happy), Blue (sad) and Yellow (silly)



Mystery Reader

Friday 4th November 2022

Thank you to Mr Hundal coming in to read "Pirates in Pyjamas." We really enjoyed the story


Repeating patterns- Friday 7tyh October 2022

The children have enjoyed creating their own repeating patterns, on scarves. Have we used two colours or three colours to make our patterns?


Mystery Reader- Friday 30th September 2022

Beech class were very lucky to have a mystery reader, in class, today. Can you guess who they were? What story did they read? Many thanks to all parent volunteers for giving up part of their time to share a story with Beech class. 


Rock Steady Music Assembly- Thursday 29th September 2022

Ash and Beech class joined year 1 and 2 during a special assembly today. The assembly was about a new club starting, after school, called Rock Steady Music. Some children from all year groups were able to take part and play the instruments on display. One of our very own Reception children got the chance to play on the electric guitar.


Remembering the Queen- 16th September 2022

The children are settling, very well, into their second week in Reception. One of our special tasks this week was to decorate a flower, in memory of our late Queen, Queen Elizabeth II. Here are some photos of the children in action! Please take a look at the classroom window for our beautiful display.




DT Engineer Day - 11th March 2022

Beech class enjoyed being engineers for the day! We listened to Ben, who works for Dyson, in our assembly and then became 'dengineers' by designing our own special dens as well as making dens in the outside area. In the afternoon, the children were challenged to make a structure using only spaghetti and marshmallows! They came up with some excellent ideas. A wonderful day with the children showing their fantastic engineering skills!


Beech Blog - Reception

Friday 12th November 2021

Beech class were very excited to welcome our first 'Mystery Reader' today. Thank you to Isla's mum who read us a lovely story called, 'The Busy Busy Day' by Claire Freedman and Daniel Howarth.