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Sports BLOG

Spring 1


Dance Festival

Sports 24 - Y4 Dance Festival



Year 3 Indoor Athletics

On Thursday 23rd January, our Year 3 team attended the Indoor Athletics event at Future Academies.

The team was selected based on their attitude and application during their PE lessons and were extremely excited when the day of the event arrived.

The girls team came 3rd overall and the boys came 5th – a great achievement!

Well done to: Lola, Ella, Holly, Aoife, Cameron, Liam, Grey, Adam, Ronnie, Ariz, Priya, and Kacie.


Year 6 Indoor Athletics

Our super Year 6’s did the school extremely proud on Tuesday 17th January when they participated in the Indoor Athletics event. All those involved put in an amazing effort and did their very best in all field and running based events.


The end result saw Walnut boys come in 2nd place and Spruce girls come 1st! Well done girls! They will be off to the final on Tuesday 4th February – good luck!

Spruce 24 - Indoor Athletics


Athletics Walnut 2025


Year 6 Indoor Athletics Final

On Tuesday 4th February, Spruce girls competed in the Sports Partnership’s final at The Royal Masonic School.


The girls displayed great determination and enthusiasm, never wavering from showcasing their best. They completed their events with a smile cheered each other on. Well done girls for reaching the final!


Football Results

The boys and girls team have been busy practising their skills during their training sessions.



The girls team played against St Peters in a recent fixture. Whilst the result did not go our way, the parents commented on how much progress the girls have made since their previous fixture – you should be very proud of yourselves girls!



The squad has demonstrated an excellent attitude in both training and during matches. They have played some excellent football against some very strong teams. They're looking forward to playing their league games and trying to reach the finals.


My Personal Best (Tree of Sporting Literacy)

During the Spring term, we are discussing some of the key words on the PE tree of Sporting Literacy.


We are introducing new words during our Sports Assemblies and the children are taking these words into their lessons by discussing them with their teachers.


Please take a look at the new words for this term and see if you can discuss their meaning with your child/ren.


(Image taken from CompletePE)


Autumn 2

Year 4 Tri-Golf Final

As you know from our previous newsletter, Maple Team A were invited to the final of the Tri-Golf tournament which was held at Rickmansworth Golf Club on Thursday 24th October. Miss Roades met the Tanners finalists who were in high spirits for their games.

The team put everything they had on the table, displaying excellent skills with their accuracy and were encouraging each other throughout.

We are pleased to announce that they came 3rd overall which is a huge achievement in a sport that may not have been familiar to lots of the children until this year.


We are so proud of the following children: Thomas, Millie T, Owen, Lacey, Bella, Charlie, and Bluebell.


Year 4 Rapid-Fire Cricket

On Tuesday 3rd December, coach Jasmine selected a team to represent the school in the Rapid-Fire Cricket competition at Rickmansworth School. They had the opportunity to display their skills that they had learnt during their PE lessons.

During the competition, we played against Yorke Mead, Sarratt, Arnett Hills and St Peters. The teamwork displayed by Tanners was phenomenal and excitingly, we managed to top our group and make the final!

In the final, we played St Paul’s which proved to be a very close contest. As Miss Brown (from the Sports Partnership) announced the results, our team itched with anticipation. Finally, it was announced that Tanners were the WINNERS by ONE point! This is the first time we have ever won the Rapid-Fire cricket competition, so a huge well done to: Indie, Lacey, Emily, Liam, Freddie and Charlie.



Year 5 Play Lead Training

Both Rowan and Pine have completed their ‘Play Leader’ training this term. The Sports Partnership came to Tanners to teach the children how to lead games with younger children.


They will be leading games on the KS1 playground at lunch time during the Spring term.



Sports Assemblies and Celebrations

Every fortnight, we have a sports assembly. These assemblies are now looking slightly different as out House Captains are taking the reigns for some of it. We have had Amelia and Jackson, Zayd and Stanley who led the sports celebrations.

They all spoke very clearly and the adults in the hall commented on how refreshing it was to see their confidence soaring as they delivered the celebrations.

Well done to the four house captains who have kickstarted this for us and we look forward to the remaining four house captains doing the same in Spring.


If your child/children have a sporting achievement outside of school, please email us at admin@tannerswood.herts.sch.uk so we can celebrate them!


My Personal Best (Tree of Sporting Literacy)

During the half term, we have been speaking to the children about key words that they can use during discussions about their PE lessons or sporting activities.


Throughout the term, we have worked our way up the tree by introducing a new word during each assembly.


We challenged the children to discuss this at the beginning of their PE lessons and to think about how they can be used in all subjects and when socialising.

 (Image taken from CompletePE)


Autumn 1

After-school Sports Clubs
Our sports clubs are now in full swing. These clubs offer a wide-range of sports for children to learn and develop their skill.

We will communicate with you when places are available.


Tough Ten
On Sunday 6th October, many children, parents, and staff of Tanners Wood got up bright and early to compete in the 1k, 3k and 5k runs. We maintained our high numbers of participation and, thanks to everyone’s amazing efforts, we won the school’s cup!

If you would like to see the results, log onto https://www.nice-work.org.uk/races/ALTT

A special mention to Amelia, Olivia, Darcy and Erin for raising additional sponsorship which combined reached in excess of £800! To our surprise, we were told that we get to keep half of any additional sponsorship as a school!   


Year 4 Tri Golf

Our Year 4 classes took part in the Tri-Golf event which was held at Parmiter’s School. All the children were so very excited and have practised lots during their PE sessions. They were a credit to our school and were impeccably behaved, well done Oak and Maple.

The winners of the ‘A’ teams will go on to represent the sports partnership in the county finals and we are thrilled to announce that Maple Team A won the event!

They will play in the final held on the last day of this half term so we will share the results of this during our next newsletter.


Year 4 Multi-Sport Event

The Year 4 children really have kicked off our sporting season in style having taken part in another event, this time a multi-sport event held on at Tanners! The children took part in a variety of sports that included football, tennis, target throwing and cricket.


Well done to the following children who took part and displayed their best, you are a credit to our school: Indie, Sienna, Paddy, Jack, Layla, Freddie, Nina, Tyler.


Year 6 Stay Active Session

Year 6 took part in a session led by Miss Brown from the Sports Partnership. They played Quicksticks Hockey and were taught new skills including defence and attack.

All children had fun and were inspired to try a new sport!





Year 4 Stay Active Session

In preparation for their Tri-Golf event, Mr Harrington and Miss Brown taught both classes the layout, rules, and skills for the upcoming tournament.

It was good to have a sneak-peak at what the event would look like!



Girls’ vs Divine Saviour:


The girls team held the first fixture on the hallowed turf of Tanners Wood and thoroughly enjoyed themselves! Whilst we did not get the desired result, we displayed great teamwork and perseverance. The girls certainly did us proud!

Thank you to all parents for their support and encouragement.


Boys’ vs St Josephs


We competed in their first match of the season. We travelled to St Josephs in South Oxhey. The team played some outstanding football and ended up winning 10-3. Their attitude throughout the game was exemplary both to the referee and their opposition.

Also, a huge thank you to the parents who transported the children to the game. Without parental support, these games would not happen. We look forward to our next games after half term.



A Special Thank you

We would like to say a huge thank you to the Friends of Tanners Wood (FOTW) for our brand-new football kits. 

Both teams have fresh kits to use that are aligned with the colours of our school. They look fabulous!

We will share an image of the children wearing these during the next newsletter.











Year 2: Stay Active Session

On Monday 29th April, our Year 2 children took part in a Stay Active session provided by the Sports Partnership. Kirsty (from the partnership) came to Tanners and led a multi-skills session that taught the children an array of new skills and consolidated previous learning. We look forward to welcoming the partnership back to lead a Year 6 session in Summer 2!


Year 3: Athletics Competition

Our Year 3 classes went to Parmiter’s to take part in an athletics event organised by the sports partnership against Divine Saviour and Abbots Langley. All of the children displayed great determination during the PE sessions leading up to the event. On the day, each child took part in an event and contributed towards the final scores. They all represented our school with great respect and determination to succeed - especially during the extremely close and competitive relay races!


We are pleased to share with you that Larch Girls and Juniper Boys won overall! A huge congratulations to these children who will now proceed to the finals. Well done to all of the children who took part, you did us proud!


The final for Larch girls and Juniper boys will be held at Croxley Danes School on Monday 10th June – we are rooting for you children!

Sports - Y3 Athletics



Year 4: Tennis Competition

This half term, we had four amazing children from Year 4 attend a tennis competition at Denham Way Tennis Courts. Despite the downpour of rain, Archie, Amelia, Mariah and Andy represented us and did so in style – putting their learning from PE into practise!

It was a very close competition in which we made the semi-finals but were pipped to the post by 3 points! We are incredibly proud of their talent and their sportsmanship as all of the children stayed until the end to watch the final and applaud the winner.

Well done children!


Sports: Year 4 - Tennis Competition



Year 6: Rookie Lifeguard and Personal Survival Training

This half term, the children in Year 6 have started their Rookie Lifeguard and Personal Survival training at Woodside Leisure Centre. Their first session was during the last week of term and they thoroughly enjoyed it. They were all pushing themselves to the max and they have already taken away valuable life skills.


Football Teams – Watford Observer

We were asked by the Watford Observer newspaper if we would like to celebrate our football teams on FA Cup weekend and sure enough, we couldn’t pass up the opportunity! The link below will take you to the newspaper article in which both the girls and boys teams are displayed!


This caps off an enjoyable season!     




Year 5: Cassiobury Park Run

On Saturday 23rd March, ten children from Year 5 were invited to participate in the Cassiobury Park Run due to their performance at the fun run earlier in the year. The course was approximately 1700m long with a steady but long incline at the end. Our Year 5 children displayed great determination to complete the run against a total of 100 children participating in the event from a variety of local schools in the three rivers area. Well done to the following for an outstanding effort:

Hayley – 14th

Mia D – 39th

Daisy J – 41st

Ivy – 44th

Evie – 45th


Ezra – 32nd

Jackson – 39th

George – 45th

Tommy W – 48th

Seb – 50th

Year 2: Indoor Athletics

On Wednesday 27th March, the Y2 Indoor Athletics Team went to Parmiter’s School to compete in the heats. We were up against five other schools. The whole team were outstanding and everyone did their very best. In the end, both the girls and boys teams finished 3rd. A fantastic result for their first ever competition.

Netball and Football Teams:

Well done to our Girls Football team, Boys Football team Netball team for a fantastic season in which your coaches have seen you develop your skills and grow as a team. You have worked so hard and demonstrated great determination and commitment during training sessions and the matches played. You can all hold your heads up very high!

A huge well done to the Netball team for reaching their final!




Year 3: Healthy Heroes

We were lucky to have Miss Brown from the Three Rivers Sports Partnership come in to talk to us about being healthy. We found out there are three types of healthy; physical health (our body), mental health (our brain) and social health (being a friend). We now know that we have to be healthy in all three of these areas to be fully healthy. 

We also looked at what a balanced meal is. We know that we need fruit and vegetables, protein, dairy, carbohydrates, fats and oils and sugars. We identified a different colour for each part of the balanced meal and we played a game to collect cones representing a balanced meal in teams outside. 

We had great fun and know the importance of exercise and a balanced meal in keeping healthy. 



Year 5: Tag Rugby


Year 6: Indoor Athletics:

Spruce - Indoor Athletics





Year 3: Healthy Heroes

We were lucky to have Miss Brown from the Three Rivers Sports Partnership come in to talk to us about being healthy. We found out there are three types of healthy; physical health (our body), mental health (our brain) and social health (being a friend). We now know that we have to be healthy in all three of these areas to be fully healthy. 

We also looked at what a balanced meal is. We know that we need fruit and vegetables, protein, dairy, carbohydrates, fats and oils and sugars. We identified a different colour for each part of the balanced meal and we played a game to collect cones representing a balanced meal in teams outside. 

We had great fun and know the importance of exercise and a balanced meal in keeping healthy. 


Year 3: Stay Active Session

On November 28th, the children in Year 3 took part in a ‘Stay Active’ session provided by the Sports Partnership. The children were taught new skills in Rapid-Fire Cricket and thoroughly enjoyed their session. Thank you to Matt for a great afternoon!



Play Leaders

Pine Class have now had their training which means the children are now ready to conduct playtime games on the KS1 playground. We are finalising a timetable with the Year 5 teachers and the children will begin this at the start of the Spring term. Well done Year 5s!





Year 4: Rapid-Fire Cricket

On Monday 4th December, we took a team to the Rapid-Fire Cricket competition at Rickmansworth School. They had a fabulous time and tried extremely hard; scoring through the gates on many occasions. The competition was very close and we came 4th in our league. Well done to: Mariah, Holly, Harry, Hadley, Phoebe, Josh and George.



Year 6: Basketball

Nine very excited Year 6's made their way to Croxley Danes on Thursday 9th November to take part in a basketball tournament after school. They played several matches, the boys played the first half and the girls played the second. As the tournament progressed, the team gained in confidence and displayed some impressive skills. They gave it their all and were such a credit to our school with their behaviour, positive attitude and team effort throughout the tournament. Well done to Harry, Freddie, Adama, Massi, Annabel, Travis, Maisie, Rosie and Rocky!


Year 5: Fun Run

On Thursday 16th November, the children in Year 5 took part in a Fun Run at Parmiters School. The children ran competitively and then just for fun! All of the children showed great sportsmanship and perseverance. Well done team Tanners!



Play Leader Training - Friday 13th October

Today, the children were joined by Mr Harrington from the Sports Partnership, who provided the class with training to become play leaders. The children discussed what qualities a good play leader should have. They were then given an opportunity to devise their own active games. In the afternoon, the children demonstrated their game to the Y1 children. The children learnt valuable skills that they will be able to use, after half term, to support the key stage one children with playing exciting games at lunchtime.




Year 4: Tri Golf

Our Year 4 classes went to Parmiters School to take part in the Tri-Golf event. They had so much fun - well done to both classes for representing Tanners impeccably well!

Sports Blog Y4 - Tri Golf


Athlete Day: Steve Frew

We had a visit from Steve Frew who visited our school to inspire the children to get active. He completed an activity with each class followed by a whole-school assembly which involved a demonstration by jumping over Miss Rogers! She was delighted by this!

Thank you for the donations received towards the event.


Image preview






Year 4: Multi-Sport Event

A team of Year 4 children took to the field at the Orchard Academy to participate in a range of sports including Boccia, football, tennis and much more.

They did fantastically well and kicked off our season in impressive style!


Well done to Tilly-Rae, Eli, Ted, Toby, Macie, Leo, Andy, Hanna and Amelia!



Welcome to 2023/2024!

Here, we are aiming to utilise our online platform to share with you updates on our sporting fixtures and events.

Please keep an eye on our blog to share in the children’s success!












Sports Partnership Leaderboard

This year, the sports partnership have started a Leaderboard based on attendance to competitions and positions within the competitions for the 22 schools involved in the partnership. Currently, Tanners Wood are sitting in 2nd place, just two points behind Yorke Mead in 1st place! This is fantastic! Well done Tanners Wood!


Tuesday 30th November

Netball Tournament

Our netball team travelled to Parmiters to play in a tournament between Tanners Wood, Abbots Langley and Divine Saviour. All schools were very excited and warmed up with the much larger netball posts! All teams did extremely well and there was a high standard of play. After two matches, Tanners Wood had won one and Abbots Langley the other. If we won the third and final match against Divine Saviour, we would be one step closer to the finals………. We did! We won! So we are one step closer! Well done to Frankie, Tom, Tayiba, Max, Jessie, Izzy, Eleanor and Kara-Jane.

The final scores were:

Tanners Wood 9 – 5 Abbots Langley

Divine Saviour 0 – 5 Abbots Langley 

Divine Saviour 3 – 6 Tanners Wood

We now need to play St. Paul’s to see who goes through to the finals.



Thursday 18th November

Rapid Fire Cricket

We were very lucky to be able to take two teams to the competition. So a team from Oak class and a team from Maple class were chosen to compete. They had a fabulous time and tried extremely hard. The laughter and smiles we had were priceless. Mrs Radia and I loved it! We played each other and drew! Both teams scored 47 runs! The competition was very close and we came 5th and 6th. Well done to Harry, Rosie, Olivia, Ella, Oscar, Diyan, Joe, Cody, Sophie, Anneka and Maisie. 



Thursday 11th November

Y5 Fun Run

Wow! What a valiant effort by all Year 5 pupils during this year’s fun run. Super behaviour and excellent perseverance was displayed by all members of Pine and Rowan class. Even though, it was only Tanners Wood and Divine Saviour who took part, all children tried their best in the “Elite races” and “Fun Run” and finished the tough course. All the Year 5 children should be very proud of themselves. Congratulations to Joseph and Lola who won their elite races and well done to the other children who were placed in the top ten. These children will have the opportunity to join Watford Harriers for a special event in Cassiobury Park, next year. I will be in contact with the parents of the children who received a medal as soon as I have the information.   


Seven very excited Y6's made their way to The Reach Free School to take part in a basketball tournament after school. They played three 5 minute matches in the tournament against other schools in the sports partnership, schools that have beaten us in the past. Ryan, Toby, Jessie, Izzy, Tayiba, Max and Henry played amazingly well and were such a credit to our school in their behaviour, positive attitude and team effort throughout the tournament. We won all of the matches in our group; 8-0, 4-0 and 8-0. Then we found out we were in the final against Yorke Mead School who were the winners of their group and we had spotted as a very strong team. We continued to play well in the final and we won!!! 10-2! The opposing school's teacher said how well our team played and we replaced hand shakes with elbow bumps at the end. In addition to the games competition, there was a ‘how many baskets can you get in 5 minutes’ competition, we came joint 2nd in this with 22 baskets. The winning score was 23!



Game On Sessions

On Tuesday 9th and Thursday 11th November, we used part of our PE premium funding to invite a specialist sports club – Game On – into school to teach us new skills from YN to Y6.

In EYFS, Nursery and Reception played activities encouraging hand-eye co-ordination which they loved! In KS1, Y1 and Y2 played Tag Rugby. They loved learning how to catch and throw a rugby ball. In KS2, Y3-Y6 played handball. They loved learning a different sport.       

Please look at your child's individual class for photos. 

We look forward to next term's sessions.               


Thursday 14th October

Tri-Golf Event

Y4 took part in the first competitive event since March 2020, which was held at Parmiters School. All the children were so very excited and there was a huge buzz around their groupings and which activities they would be taking part in. It started in the afternoon, so after lunch they all filled their water bottles and huddled together for their pep talks; you could feel the excitement start to build! The children loved taking part in the various activities and everyone gave it their full commitment, both during the games and as support for others! They were a credit to Tanners Wood and impeccably behaved, well done Oak and Maple.

There are three categories of teams; A, B & C.

The winners of the ‘A’ teams will go on to represent the sports partnership in the county finals and if they win that, they will go on to compete at the Schools Games in June 2022.

The winners of the ‘B’ and ‘C’ teams will receive a medal for 1st place.  

The final results were:

1st place – Oak A team

2nd place – Maple A team


1st place – Maple B team

3rd place – Oak B team


2nd place – Maple C team

5th place - Oak C team

Thank you to everyone that helped on the day, the Y4’s really appreciated it!

As Tanners Wood Oak ‘A’ team won the ‘A’ team event, they will be competing in the sports partnership final on Thursday 21st October at Rickmansworth Golf Course. Good Luck Oak ‘A’ Team!!


Sunday 3rd October

Abbots Langley Tough Ten
Over 80 pupils and parents of Tanners Wood got up bright and early to compete in the 1k, 3k, 5k or 10k runs. We were all very excited and loved the element of competition. It was amazing to see so many green t-shirts in the 1k and 3k which made it much easier to see and cheer everyone on! We improved on the attendance of last year and it was so lovely to see so many EYFS and KS1 families running. Well done everyone!

A special well done to Elliot and Mia who were sponsored to take part and raised money for the Tough Ten charities and Tanners Wood School. Elliot raised a huge £90 and, Mia, a fabulous £30! At school we receive half of this, so I will be purchasing more lunchtime equipment for each class with the funds.

If you would like to see the results, log onto https://www.nice-work.org.uk/races/ALTT


A huge well done to:-

1k runners – Matilda, Cheryl, Anais, Hope Emma, Harry, Finley, Jack, Kevin, Holly, Elaine, Seren, Michael, Lydia, Cameron, James, Isla, James, Sarah, Finn, Liam, James, Frankie, Donna, Priya, Grant, Alfie, Jonny, Mia, Mark, Sean, Gemma, Jessica, Callum, Hana, Eva, Freddie, Emily, Audrey, Leo, Anne-Laure and Casper.

3k runners – Jessie, Matthew, William, Olivia, Gary, Ella, Harriet, Gemma, Isla, Emma, Hayley, Sienna, James, Matilda, Mark, Ieuan, Elliot, Annabel, Daisy, Freya, Adam, Jackson, Victoria, Angel, Sharin, Ashish, Poppy, Liz, Sam, Max, Rob, Maisie, Nigel, Leo and Anne-Laure.

5k runners – Russell Dowse

10k runners – Leah Waters and Emily Howcutt


Thursday 14th October

Netball Friendly against St Pauls

St Paul’s came to Tanners Wood to take part in a joint training session which ended with a friendly match. Both sides were nervous and excited to be able to play against another team! They had great fun and played well.

The friendly match ended 3-1 to St Paul’s. However, we all knew our positions and how to pass from one end of the court to another! Fantastic! This is really important. We have great potential for our Netball Tournament on Tuesday 30th November.


Thursday 23rd September

Y4 Multi-Sports Event

A very eager and excitable group of Y4’s took part in a multi-sports event at Sir James Altham Pitch in South Oxhey. They took part in a variety of sports which required hitting, throwing, jumping, kicking and rolling. They had great fun and scored 247 points over the afternoon. Well done Freddie, Olivia, Oscar, Zachary, Chloe and Sophie, they always had a smile throughout and cheered each other on. For taking part, they each received a wristband to help count the hours of daily physical activity they take part in.