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Physical Education (PE)

Vision Statement

At Tanners Wood, we strive to encourage maximum participation in physical activity, promote a healthy lifestyle and develop a love for all sports so that children leave Tanners Wood confident sport participants.  

PE at Tanners Wood aims to develop and continually strengthen every child’s interest in sport by providing a broad and balanced curriculum covering a range sports. This is developed in line with an understanding of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which includes links to other curriculum subjects, as well as links to mental health and wellbeing. The progressive nature of our curriculum, throughout every year group, utilises and strengthens fundamental skills to inspire our children to love sport and be confident to participate in regular physical activity.  

In the Early Years, we develop children’s gross and fine motor skills which they will use to develop skills and techniques in KS1. In KS2, we further develop skills and techniques in a variety of sports. Therefore, children also understand the importance of communication, tactics, problem solving and teamwork. 

We inspire children to take up a variety of sports, accessible to all, and emphasise the importance of having fun. We develop skills, increase participation and provide opportunities to compete at events and in leagues organised by our Sports Partnership. We are proud to maintain a healthy, positive relationship with our parent body, who support us with providing our children the opportunity to compete at local events. Ultimately, we believe PE is for everybody.

Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement

Indoor PE Years 1 - 6 - Knowledge & Skills

Outdoor PE Years 1 - 6 - Knowledge & Skills