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School Development Plan

School Development Key Priorities 2024-25

Quality of Education  



1a. To support disadvantaged groups to make rapid progress - PPG and non-PPG outcomes are further in-line with each other and SEND group make at least good progress

1b. To ensure that pupil outcomes for the end of all Key Stages remain above the National 2024 results

1c. To improve the number of disadvantaged pupils achieving expected and greater depth at the end of Key Stage 1 and 2  

1d. To enable parents to further understand how they can support learning and social/emotional development

1e. To ensure all teaching is adapted to meet the needs of all learners 

1f. To ensure that pupil knowledge and understanding is securely embedded 

1g. Year 6 to make rapid progress in English and mathematics

1h. To embed the new phonics scheme (Little Wandle) including ‘keep up and rapid catch up’ in EY and KS1

1i.  To improve outcomes in writing, including spelling with a particular focus on quality, content, and stamina

1j. To improve reasoning and problem-solving skills opportunities within mathematics

1k. To reduce the gap for children with SEND between reading and writing and support pupils with speech and language needs within daily lessons

Behaviour & Attitudes  

2a. To promote Spiritual, Moral, Social, and Cultural (SMSC), mental health, and well-being opportunities

2b. To promote inclusivity, tolerance and respect to ensure all pupils feel safe and recognise risks that may affect them now and, in the future

2c. To promote all children to be more active and take ownership in their learning

Personal Development 


3a. To improve staff awareness of SEMH issues to support pupils both in and outside of the classroom

3b. To continue to develop a robust approach to online safety both inside and outside of school

3c. To use existing opportunities within the school to formalise a behaviour curriculum, including embedding school values work and preparing pupils for their future lives

Leadership & Management 

4a. To develop the Senior Leadership Team/Subject Leaders to carry out their roles effectively impacting teaching, learning, achievement, and attainment across the school 

4b. Maintain a good standard of well-being

4c. Ensure that subject leaders become experts in their areas

4d. Governors to engage in training and development to support their knowledge and understanding of governance, providing strategic challenge and support 

Early Years Foundation Stage

5a. Reduce gap between PPG and non-PPG groups in literacy, mathematics and communication and language

5b. To develop writing opportunities across the curriculum

5c. To develop the role of the adult within play

5d. To develop the outside area to make it accessible and engaging for all