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School Clubs

We offer a wide range of extra-curricular clubs which take place during and after school.

High quality clubs and activities are an essential part of school life. They provide opportunities to enrich children’s experiences beyond the curriculum and are an excellent medium to foster good relationships between staff, pupils and parents.

They develop children’s social skills by providing a forum of interaction between children across different ages and schools. Clubs and activities are matched to our staff’s expertise and interest and make the most of the resources we have in school. In some cases, clubs are run by external providers who make a charge for attendance.

We currently offer the following clubs:


Internal                                                               After School (3.20pm-4.15pm)
Monday Years 3-6 Homework Club Year 6 Girls Football (team selected)   Year 6 Boys Football  (team selected)  Year 4 Dance club (children already selected)      
Tuesday Year 1 Sports Club KS1 Creative Club Years 2-5 Eco Club        
Wednesday Year 2 Sports Club KS1 Board Games          
Thursday Year 3 Sports Club Year 4 Sports Club Year 5&6 Netball  YR & Y1 Colour&Chat *Finishes 4pm* Years 1-4 Choir Club KS2 Board Games Y2-Y4 Computing Club
Friday Year 5 Sports club KS2 Creative Club          


External In School Hours After School 3.20pm-4.15pm
Monday   KS1 heART (Sign up via Arbor)  
Friday Piano Fun Club KS2 heART (sign up via Arbor) Yr 2-6 ZKT Street Dance (Sign up via Arbor)