Special Educational Needs
At Tanners Wood, our vision for Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) is to ensure that all children receive a high-quality and ambitious education regardless of need or disability. We believe in an inclusive environment, where our pupils are equipped with the tools needed to become independent, inquisitive learners both in and out of the classroom.
We expect every child with SEND to receive a full and enriching education to enable them to achieve their potential and have a successful, happy transition into adulthood. At Tanners Wood, the child is at the centre of everything we do and we believe all children should have high, attainable targets to enable them to be successful through adapted provision.
We firmly believe that the best start in life is key to future success and that Quality First Teaching provides the building blocks of excellent learning and progress. We strive to ensure that every child receives the best teaching and learning possible which will help our children to thrive.
We involve external experts whenever necessary to improve our offer and ensure that children’s needs are identified and met as quickly as possible. We similarly ensure that staff have the relevant training and support to ensure that best practice is used with regard to SEND. Teachers, support staff, SENCO and governors have frequent and open communication ensuring that the school community works together to implement plans and provide for children with SEND.
At every step of this process, we involve parents and families to build trusting and open relationships. It is important that we work as a team with you to ensure the best outcomes for all children. We recognise that every adult plays a vital role in ensuring a child’s success, and therefore we promote a culture of shared collaboration, discussion, and informed shared strategies.
You can read more about SEND at Tanners Wood in our SEN information report and SEND Policy below or can speak to the SENDCO by calling the school office.
View and download our SEND documents below:
SEND Policy 2024-2025SEN Information ReportQuality SEND Offer 2024